Monday, January 31, 2011

mechanism of Japan's industrial science and technology policy

Inducing power of Japanese technological innovation - mechanism of Japan's industrial science and technology policy
Chihiro Watanabe
Yukio Honda
Graduate School of Policy Science, Saitama University, Saitama 338, Japan
Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, MITI, Tokyo 100, Japan
Available online 5 March 2002.

This paper examines Japan's industrial science and technology policy in the context of its industrial policy. It tries to explain how that policy is conducted and the functions it performs as a system focusing on the relationship between government and industry, especially the mechanism for inducing industries' vitality. On the basis of both a conceptual framework for understanding the complex interrelationships involved and an empirical analysis of the interrelationships, we find that the machinery of MITI's policy system has been functioning well in building up dynamism conductive to chain reactions resulting in the stimulation of industries' technological development

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mechanism Library

Here are a selection of Chemkin-II format reaction mechanism files that we have used in our research. No claims are made as to the appropriateness or accuracy of the mechanisms, or even to the fidelity to the original literature sources. In some cases, reactions had to modified or species added/removed in order to make the mechanism work. For the most part, modifications or interpretations of the original data are commented within each mechanism file. In order to use these with the Chemkin-II software, it is necessary to use the thermodynamic database provided with Chemkin-II, in addition to the thermo data specified at the front of each file. In addition, some mechanisms are so large that it may be necessary to modify your array dimensions within Chemkin to accomodate the large number of reactions and species.
Validation of some of these mechanisms against shock tube data is discussed in [1] for problems involving N2O, H2, and CH4. Validation for H2-, C2H4-, and C3H8-air/O2 mixtures is discussed in .
The mechanisms listed below have been successfully processed by the Chemkin interpreter on our system, and the output is available here for comparison. The interpreter output file names are fairly self-explanatory, based on the mechanism file names with ``.out'' appended. In most cases, the Chemkin thermodynamic database was used, but in cases where a special thermodynamic data file was provided with the mechanism, it was used instead

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Japan adopts 15 'bilateral offset mechanism' projects

Japan adopts 15 'bilateral offset mechanism' projects
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said Tuesday it has adopted 15 projects in nine countries, such as geothermal power generation in Indonesia, under a ‘‘bilateral offset mechanism’’ to earn carbon credits in return for the transfer of advanced Japanese technologies to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions.

The ministry is holding talks with the governments of the nine countries to pave the way for the projects, which will be undertaken primarily by private Japanese companies including Tokyo Electric Power Co, Toshiba Corp and Mitsubishi Corp, METI said. The 15 projects consist of four for Indonesia, two each for Vietnam, the Philippines, India and Thailand, one each for China and Peru and energy saving by cement plants in Laos and Myanmar.
Among participants in the mechanism, Tokyo Electric will build a highly efficient coal-fired power plant in Vietnam which will discharge 500,000 tons less CO2 per year than conventional coal-fired plants

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mechanism seems to give way completely

But it is principally before logical and philosophical criticism, that Mechanism seems to give way completely. Those very ideas on the nature of explanation, according to which it is attempted to reduce all reality to terms of the supposed primary notions of mass and motion, preclude Mechanism from ever attaining the whole of reality. The present must be reduced to the past, the new to that which is already known, the complex to the more simple; but this original datum remains, that the complex and the simple are not identical, that the new fact is not the fact which was already known. If we suppose all that was contained in the complex to have been reduced by analysis to simple elements already known, we have still to explain their combination, their unity in the complex; and it is just these that have been destroyed by the explanatory analysis. Given that there is something to explain, something unknown, it is clear that there is something beyond the known and the old, and there must inevitably be some principle which moulds into unity the numerous elements, and which either for the species or for the individual, may in a very broad sense be called the "form". Explanations based on analysis do not discover the form, because they begin by destroying it. It may be said, in a particular but entirely acceptable sense, that "form" explains nothing, because to explain is to reduce, and form is by its very nature irreducible. But from this to the denial of form is a very far cry. The scholastics of the decadent period erred in regarding forms as explanatory principles, but Mechanism distorts the reality by reducing it to its "matter", by ignoring its specific and its individual unity. For the same reason, the mechanical interpretations of the dynamic aspect of things, that is to say of cosmic evolution, prove futile. It is of course instructive in the highest degree to know what previous state of the universe accounts for the present state of things; but to look on those anterior efficient causes of things as the adequate representations of their effects, is to lose sight of the fact that these latter are effects, while the former were causes; the consequence is an absolute "statism" and a denial of all causality.
Similar observations might be made on the subject of final causes. The meaning itself of the word finality has undergone singular changes since Aristotle and the thirteenth century. Let it suffice to note that finality has its basis in the intellectual nature of an efficient cause, or in the internal tendency of a form viewed from the standpoint of activity, of dynamism. The decadent Scholastics weakened their position when they relied on forms and ends only as means of scientific explanations strictly so called, while Mechanists are clearly in error when they seek in these same scientific explanations for an account of reality to the exclusion of forms and ends. More might be said of the manifest inadequacy of quantitative images, of cosmological Mathematism which reduces all continuity to discontinuity and all time to coincidences without duration, and of the anti-mechanistic reaction which asserts itself under the name of Energism, and with which the researches of Ostwald and of Duhem are associated. But these are complex and general problems. We may now resume and draw our conclusions.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The invisible hand – the workings of the price mechanism

Adam Smith, one of the Founding Fathers of economics famously wrote of the “invisible hand of the price mechanism”. He described how the invisible or hidden hand of the market operated in a competitive market through the pursuit of self-interest to allocate resources in society’s best interest. This remains the central view of all free-market economists, i.e. those who believe in the virtues of a free-market economy with minimal government intervention.
The price mechanism is a term used to describe the means by which the many millions of decisions taken each day by consumers and businesses interact to determine the allocation of scarce resources between competing uses. This is the essence of economics!
Firstly, prices perform a signalling function. This means that market prices will adjust to demonstrate where resources are required, and where they are not.
Prices rise and fall to reflect scarcities and surpluses. So, for example, if market prices are rising because of high and rising demand from consumers, this is a signal to suppliers to expand their production to meet the higher demand.
Consider the left hand diagram on the next page. The demand for computer games increases and as a result, producers stand to earn higher revenues and profits from selling more games at a higher price per unit. So an outward shift of demand ought to lead to an expansion along the market supply curve
In the second example on the right, an increase in market supply causes a fall in the relative prices of digital cameras and prompts an expansion along the market demand curve
Conversely, a rise in the costs of production will induce suppliers to decrease supply, while consumers will react to the resulting higher price by reducing demand for the good or services.
The transmission of preferences
Through the signalling function, consumers are able through their expression of preferences to send important information to producers about the changing nature of our needs and wants. When demand is strong, higher market prices act as an incentive to raise output (production) because the supplier stands to make a higher profit. When demand is weak, then the market supply contracts. We are assuming here that producers do actually respond to these price signals!
One of the features of a free market economy is that decision-making in the market is decentralised in other words, the market responds to the individual decisions of millions of consumers and producers, i.e. there is no single body responsible for deciding what is to be produced and in what quantities. This is a remarkable feature of an organic market system.
The rationing function
Prices serve to ration scarce resources when demand in a market outstrips supply. When there is a shortage of a product, the price is bid up – leaving only those with sufficient willingness and ability to pay with the effective demand necessary to purchase the product. Be it the demand for tickets among England supporters for the 2006 World Cup or the demand for a rare antique, the market price acts a rationing device to equate demand with supply.
The prices for using the M6 Toll Road are a good example of the rationing function of the price mechanism. A toll road can exclude those drivers and vehicles that are not willing or able to pay the current toll charge. In this sense, motorists and road haulage businesses and other road users are paying for the right to use the road, road space has a market price instead of being regarded as something of a free good. The current charges are below:

Monday, January 17, 2011


There is no constant meaning in the history of philosophy for the word Mechanism. Originally, the term meant that cosmological theory which ascribes the motion and changes of the world to some external force. In this view material things are purely passive, while according to the opposite theory (i.e., Dynamism), they possess certain internal sources of energy which account for the activity of each and for its influence on the course of events; These meanings, however, soon underwent modification. The question as to whether motion is an inherent property of bodies, or has been communicated to them by some external agency, was very often ignored. With a large number of cosmologists the essential feature of Mechanism is the attempt to reduce all the qualities and activities of bodies to quantitative realities, i.e. to mass and motion. But a further modification soon followed. Living bodies, as is well known, present at first sight certain characteristic properties which have no counterpart in lifeless matter. Mechanism aims to go beyond these appearances. It seeks to explain all "vital" phenomena as physical and chemical facts; whether or not these facts are in turn reducible to mass and motion becomes a secondary question, although Mechanists are generally inclined to favour such reduction. The theory opposed to this biological mechanism is no longer Dynamism, but Vitalism or Neo-vitalism, which maintains that vital activities cannot be explained, and never will be explained, by the laws which govern lifeless matter. As Mechanism professes to furnish a complete system of the world, its extreme partisans apply it to psychical manifestations and even to social phenomena; but here it is at best only tentative and the result very questionable. Its advocates merely connect, more or less thoroughly, psychologicl and social facts with the general laws or leading hypotheses of biology. It is preferable, therefore, in the present state of our knowledge, to disregard these features of mechanistic doctrine, which are certainly of a provisional character. In a word then, Mechanism in its various forms shows a tendency to interpret phenomena of a higher order in terms of the Lower and less complex, and to carry this reduction down to the simplest attainable forms, i.e. to those quantitative realities which we call mass and motion. Psychology and sociology derive their explanation from biology; biology derives its explanation from the physical and chemical sciences, while these in turn borrow their explanation from mechanics. The science of mechanics becomes by a very simple process a particular phase of mathematical analysis, so that the ideal of Mechanism is Mathematism, that is to say, the representation of all phenomena by mathematical equations. Hence it is plain that Mechanism tends to eliminate from science and from reality all "qualitative" aspects, all "forms" and "ends". We shall first state the arguments brought forward in support of the theory, and then subject it to criticism.

from -

Sunday, January 16, 2011


More on Machines and Mechanisms

 Planar and Spatial Mechanisms

Mechanisms can be divided into planar mechanisms and spatial mechanisms, according to the relative motion of the rigid bodies. In a planar mechanisms, all of the relative motions of the rigid bodies are in one plane or in parallel planes. If there is any relative motion that is not in the same plane or in parallel planes, the mechanism is called the spatial mechanism. In other words, planar mechanisms are essentially two dimensional while spatial mechanisms are three dimensional. This tutorial only covers planar mechanisms.

 Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanisms

Kinematics of mechanisms is concerned with the motion of the parts without considering how the influencing factors (force and mass) affect the motion. Therefore, kinematics deals with the fundamental concepts of space and time and the quantities velocity and acceleration derived there from.
Kinetics deals with action of forces on bodies. This is where the the effects of gravity come into play.
Dynamics is the combination of kinematics and kinetics.
Dynamics of mechanisms concerns the forces that act on the parts -- both balanced and unbalanced forces, taking into account the masses and accelerations of the parts as well as the external forces.

 Links, Frames and Kinematic Chains

A link is defined as a rigid body having two or more pairing elements which connect it to other bodies for the purpose of transmitting force or motion
In every machine, at least one link either occupies a fixed position relative to the earth or carries the machine as a whole along with it during motion. This link is the frame of the machine and is called the fixed link.
The combination of links and pairs without a fixed link is not a mechanism but a kinematic chain.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

mechanism mechanism

There is no constant meaning in the history of philosophy for the word Mechanism. Originally, the term meant that cosmological theory which ascribes the motion and changes of the world to some external force. In this view material things are purely passive, while according to the opposite theory (i.e., Dynamism), they possess certain internal sources of energy which account for the activity of each and for its influence on the course of events; These meanings, however, soon underwent modification. The question as to whether motion is an inherent property of bodies, or has been communicated to them by some external agency, was very often ignored. With a large number of cosmologists the essential feature of Mechanism is the attempt to reduce all the qualities and activities of bodies to quantitative realities, i.e. to mass and motion. But a further modification soon followed. Living bodies, as is well known, present at first sight certain characteristic properties which have no counterpart in lifeless matter. Mechanism aims to go beyond these appearances. It seeks to explain all "vital" phenomena as physical and chemical facts; whether or not these facts are in turn reducible to mass and motion becomes a secondary question, although Mechanists are generally inclined to favour such reduction. The theory opposed to this biological mechanism is no longer Dynamism, but Vitalism or Neo-vitalism, which maintains that vital activities cannot be explained, and never will be explained, by the laws which govern lifeless matter. As Mechanism professes to furnish a complete system of the world, its extreme partisans apply it to psychical manifestations and even to social phenomena; but here it is at best only tentative and the result very questionable. Its advocates merely connect, more or less thoroughly, psychological and social facts with the general laws or leading hypotheses of biology. It is preferable, therefore, in the present state of our knowledge, to disregard these features of mechanistic doctrine, which are certainly of a provisional character. In a word then, Mechanism in its various forms shows a tendency to interpret phenomena of a higher order in terms of the Lower and less complex, and to carry this reduction down to the simplest attainable forms, i.e. to those quantitative realities which we call mass and motion. Psychology and sociology derive their explanation from biology; biology derives its explanation from the physical and chemical scienc, while these in turn borrow their explanation from mechanics. The science of mechanics becomes by a very simple process a particular phase of mathematical analysis, so that the ideal of Mechanism is Mathematism, that is to say, the representation of all phenomena by mathematical equations. Hence it is plain that Mechanism tends to eliminate from science and from reality all "qualitative" aspects, all "forms" and "ends". We shall first state the arguments brought forward in support of the theory, and then subject it to criticism

Thursday, January 13, 2011

mechanism Motion Along a Straight Path

Motion Along a Straight Path
We begin our study of motion with the simplest case, motion in a straight line.

  1. Position and displacement along a line
    The first step in the study of motion is to describe the position of a moving object. Consider a car on an east-west stretch of straight highway. We can describe the displacement of the car by saying "the car is 5 kilometers west of the center town". In this description, we specified two factors, the original point of measure and the direction of the displacement.
  2. Velocity
    We can define the velocity of an object moving steadily as its displacement per unit time

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

mechanism Impulse Momentum

Momentum and Conservation of Momentum


Try to make a baseball and a cannon ball roll at the same speed. As you can guess, it is harder to get the cannon ball going. If you apply a constant force F for a time t, the change in velocity is given by Equatio. So, to get the same v, the product Ft must be greater the greater the mass m you are trying to accelerate.
To throw a cannon ball from rest and give it the same final velocity as a baseball (also starting from rest), we must push either harder or longer. What counts is the product Ft. This product Ft is the natural measure of how hard and how long we push to change a motion. It is called the impulse of the force.


Suppose we apply the same impulse to a baseball and a cannon ball, both initially at rest. Since the initial value of the quantity mv is zero in each case, and since equal impulses are applied, the final values mv will be equal for the baseball and the cannon ball. Yet, because the mass of the cannon ball is much greater than the mass of the baseball, the velocity of the cannon ball will be much less than the velocity of the baseball. The product mv, then, is quite a different measure of the motion than simply v alone. We call it the momentum p of the body, and measure it in kilogram-meters per second


Physical Principles This chapter introduces the basic physical principles behind mechanisms as well as basic concepts and principles required for this course.

 Force and Torque

Force: an agent or influence that, if applied to a free body results chiefly in an acceleration of the body and sometimes in elastic deformation and other effects.

Every day we deal with forces of one kind or another. A pressure is a force. The earth exerts a force of attraction for all bodies or objects on its surface. To study the forces acting on objects, we must know how the forces are applied, the direction of the forces and their value. Graphically, forces are often represented by a vector whose end represents the point of action.
A mechanism is what is responsible for any action or reaction. Machines are based on the idea of transmitting forces through a series of predetermined motions. These related concepts are the basis of dynamic movement.